Can I make an anonymous donation?

Yes, on the donation page you can indicate if you would like your gift to remain anonymous. Your privacy is important to us. All donor information is strictly confidential and never sold or shared with any third-party organizations. 

Can I make a gift in honor or in memory of someone?

Yes. On the donation page, you can choose to dedicate your gift "in honor of" or "in memory of" any individual. This can be a beautiful tribute to celebrate someone impactful to your Morehouse experience while at the same time making an immediate difference in the lives of our students on campus.

What are the College's strategic funding priorities? 

The College's Fund for Morehouse is unrestricted and allocated to the area of greatest immediate need. Annual gifts of this nature provide essential year-to-year support for financial aid, faculty development, infrastructure, and technology. Unrestricted gifts provide a necessary source of cash flow to keep the school operating and are critical to sustaining the Morehouse Mission. 

Your unrestricted gift of any size today makes a big impact and goes to work immediately!  

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